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Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections

In the department of sexually transmitted infections, scientific work is carried out on:

– study of epidemiology, clinics, features of pathoimmunomorphology of sexually transmitted infections (trichomoniasis, chlamydia, ureaplasmosis), development of methods of their therapy and prevention;

– study of the influence of syphilis, urogenital chlamydiosis and ureaplasmosis on reproductive function, development of methods of therapy and prevention of infertility and miscarriage of pregnancy;

– development of a comprehensive system of treatment and prophylactic measures aimed at combating syphilis on the basis of current study of etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinics, pathomorphosis of syphilitic infection;

– development of complex therapy of patients with serous resistant syphilis taking into account epidemiological features and new data concerning pathogenesis obtained with the use of the method of quantum hemotherapy;

– development of a comprehensive system of treatment and prophylactic as well as rehabilitation measures at Reiter’s disease, taking into account the study of etiopathogenetic, epidemiological, clinical and laboratory data.

The department is the clinical base of the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine, where clinical trials of domestic drugs are conducted. Clinical residencies and postgraduate students are trained at its base. The department staff conducts advisory work on the basis of the Institute clinical department.

The department is headed by the Doctor of medical sciences, professor researcher Bondarenko Gleb Mikhailovich,