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Laboratory of serology with the function of a reference laboratory for the control of syphilis diagnostics

The main activities of the laboratory are:

–              laboratory diagnostics of syphilis: detection of serum and liquor antitreponemic antibodies (microreaction of precipitation with cardiolipin antigen, reaction of complement binding to cardiolipin and treponemal antigens – Vassermann test, reaction of immunofluorescence in various modifications, reaction of immobilization of pale treponems, immunoassay analysis – ELISA);

–              quality control of serological laboratories of dermatovenerologic service (regional skin and venereal clinics) and blood services (regional blood transfusion stations) of Ukraine;• personnel training and organization of courses for laboratory doctors of skin and venereal institutions and blood transfusion stations in Ukraine.

The head of the laboratory is Kutova Valentina Vasilievnacandidat of medical sciences.