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DEPARTMENT OF STUDYING THE INFLUENCE OF HIV Epidemic on the Problem of sexually Transmitted Infections

The department conducts research work on the establishment of social, biological and epidemiological factors of the influence of sexually transmitted infections on the spreading of HIV/AIDS in Ukraine. It’s studying earlier unknown clinical and epidemiological features of sexually transmitted infections, HIV/AIDS among the general population and in vulnerable groups to HIV infectioning, including persons, who practice risky sexual behavior and commercial sex, injections drugs and psychoactive substances users.

There are develop and introduce into practical medicine standards of medical care and STI diagnostic for persons with sexually transmitted infections from both general population vulnerable groups. There are develop standards of counseling for using in persons from vulnerable to infection and transmission of HIV and STI groups, including particular motivation and voluntary counseling and STI testing.

Scientific supervisor: Doctor of Medical Sciences, Head of the Department Professor Mavrov Gennadij Ivanovich.