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Laboratory of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics.

In the laboratory of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics, clinical and scientific-diagnostic studies are conducted aimed at:
– studying the peculiarities of the microbial ecology of the macroorganism, establishing disturbances in the microbiocenoses of various biotopes, analyzing the characteristics (phenotypic and genetic) of clinically significant laboratory strains of microorganisms as markers of microbiological burdens in the course of widespread dermatoses and sexually transmitted
infections; constant monitoring of dominant levels of sensitivity/resistance to antibacterial drugs of various groups of clinically significant laboratory strains of microorganisms is carried out with the development of new approaches to the therapy of microbial complications, including empirical starting. New approaches are being developed to improve the bacteriological diagnosis of sexually transmitted infections by optimizing nutrient media for the extraction and cultivation of STI pathogens;
– study of immunopathogenesis of skin and venereal diseases and determination of changes in the work of cellular and humoral links of immunity in these diseases;
– determination of morpho-histological changes in the structure of the skin and connective tissue in patients with widespread dermatoses;
– study of molecular and genetic mechanisms and the primary structure of DNA loci associated with the development of severe dermatoses; determination of distribution of dominant genotypes of obligate pathogens of sexually transmitted infections;
– development of approaches to the improvement of bacteriological and molecular genetic diagnosis of dermatoses and sexual infections with the definition and development of criteria for predicting the development of their severe forms.

The laboratory carries out quality control of research of bacteriological laboratories engaged in the diagnosis of STDs, provides educational and advisory assistance.

Specialists of the laboratory take part in the organization and conduct of courses on modern laboratory diagnosis of STDs for doctors of paraclinical and clinical specialties.

The head of the laboratory of microbiology, immunology and molecular genetics is Svitlana Dzhoraieva, Doctor of Medical Sciences.