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You are currently browsing the Institute of Dermatology and Venereology, National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine blog archives for February, 2010.



About the Institute

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About the Institute

The State Establishment “Institute of Dermatology and Venereology of the National Academy of Medical Sciences of Ukraine” (IDVNAMNU)  was established in 1924 in Kharkiv on the initiative of Professor O.M. Fedorovsky

In 2000, the Institute was subordinated to the National Academy of Medical Sciences  of Ukraine.

Director of the Institute – Professor, Doctor of Medical Sciences Kutasevich Yanina Frantsivna.

The Institute is a leading institution on dermatology and venereology in Ukraine. The structure of the institute includes 12 main units: a clinic; consultative polyclinic; Department of Dermatology, Infectious and Parasitic Diseases of the Skin; Department of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STI(); Clinical and Diagnostic Laboratory; Department of scientific and analytical work in dermatology and venereology; Laboratory of Immunology, Pathomorphology and Molecular Genetics; Laboratory of Serology; Laboratory of biochemistry; Laboratory of Microbiology; Laboratory of Allergology.

The Institute is studying the problems of common severe dermatoses and STI, especially attention is payed to molecular genetic approach, changes in cellular membrane systems in skin and venereal diseases, mathematical modelling of epidemiological and ecological problems, development of new methods of diagnostic and treatment of skin diseases and STI.

The Institute is the clinical base of the Kharkiv Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education and the State Pharmacological Center of the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine. The Institute actively participates in the activities of medical associations, including international ones. It systematically holds scientific and practical conferences for dermatovenerologists, urologists and laboratory worker.

The Institute holds a specialized council for the defense of doctoral and candidate’s dissertations in the field of skin and venereal diseases, and a professional journal “Dermatology and Venereology”.

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